Identification of a Zildjan Ride Cymbal
(too old to reply)
2004-12-08 21:28:24 UTC

Normally I don't read this group(s), I am a jazzguitarist, but now I have a
drum related question:

I just bought a nice cheap sonor drumkit including hihat and ride cymbal
(cheap stuff). The hihat I really liked, but this ride thing was awful, so I
asked if they had maybe some nice second hand cheap jazz cymbals. The guy
from the shop showed me a Zildjan cymbal he found lying around in the back
of the shop. There's no series or name on it, on the back just a Zildjan
logo (in black ink) and the size (20 inch/61 cm). On the top there is a
stamp (pressed into te cymbal) saying:

(turkish symbol)
turkish cymbal
made in U.S.A

anybody has any clue? I think I have seen those before, I don't know if
it's just old stuff or maybe vintage, the only thing is I really like it. I
wish all the jazz drummers I play with would have one like this.

Anybody can shed a light on this one?

thanks in advance

(on the soundclips me on guitar, not on drums)
2004-12-08 21:37:35 UTC
Its an 80's era zildjian, some are good some are not, if you want
really good Zildjians-there will be NO black logo at all

Post by Melle
Normally I don't read this group(s), I am a jazzguitarist, but now I have a
I just bought a nice cheap sonor drumkit including hihat and ride cymbal
(cheap stuff). The hihat I really liked, but this ride thing was awful, so I
asked if they had maybe some nice second hand cheap jazz cymbals. The guy
from the shop showed me a Zildjan cymbal he found lying around in the back
of the shop. There's no series or name on it, on the back just a Zildjan
logo (in black ink) and the size (20 inch/61 cm). On the top there is a
(turkish symbol)
turkish cymbal
made in U.S.A
anybody has any clue? I think I have seen those before, I don't know if
it's just old stuff or maybe vintage, the only thing is I really like it. I
wish all the jazz drummers I play with would have one like this.
Anybody can shed a light on this one?
thanks in advance
(on the soundclips me on guitar, not on drums)
2004-12-08 21:46:21 UTC
Thanks DDSD for your fast reply.

To my ears it sounds good, that's the most important thing. I compared
it with many new ride cymbals in the price range from 100 to 500 euro,
(liking the most expensive the most) but this one has the right amount
of ping and zing to my taste. Do you have any idea of the price they go

thanks again
2004-12-08 21:46:29 UTC
Thanks DDSD for your fast reply.

To my ears it sounds good, that's the most important thing. I compared
it with many new ride cymbals in the price range from 100 to 500 euro,
(liking the most expensive the most) but this one has the right amount
of ping and zing to my taste. Do you have any idea of the price they go

thanks again
2004-12-08 21:46:36 UTC
Thanks DDSD for your fast reply.

To my ears it sounds good, that's the most important thing. I compared
it with many new ride cymbals in the price range from 100 to 500 euro,
(liking the most expensive the most) but this one has the right amount
of ping and zing to my taste. Do you have any idea of the price they go

thanks again
2004-12-18 05:19:05 UTC

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the stamp you are describing is the
stamp located on every Zildjian cymbal (possibly after a certain date, I'm not
sure). It definitely seems like an older cymbal from what you're describing.
As long as it sounds good though, I'd recommend you buy it right up.

Good luck, sorry I can't be of more help,
